Group 2 - Design in the Style Of...

A very creative design which has a modern development of the movement, you have not just copied a pattern but have used the style to create a pattern that is your own..It would of been useful if you could explain how you got to this design, hat cad software did you use? To get the higher marks in the exam add as much detail as possible, this could be materials, the product and the processes used for manufacturing. 
This design is a true representation of De Stijl but remember that we can all copy the design, to get the marks we need to take the design and develop it. This could be by adding it to a product or incorporating elements. For example this design could be used on a textile product or a clock or table..Think how this design could be developed further? 
The shapes and colours used are similar to the Memphis chair discussed in class, to gain the higher marks in the exam always add further detail to possible sizes, where the product will be used and materials..Would this be made out of wood or plastic? Design questions are usually 15-20 marks.. 
The use of symmetry is a key feature of Art Deco and this is shown in your initial design idea..You have identified one material that could be used but what is the process? Try to communicate as much detail as possible so that you can get the higher marks..
You have a basis for a product but what is the design movement? The colours represent a Memphis quality but the use of black lines and geometric shapes represent a De Stijl style? If you were to add annotation I would know, remember the examiner who marks the paper will need you to communicate through annotation..
Nice design which has been taken away from its usual box shape, this could potentially be developed into a product such as a clock? You have clearly identified the key features, now think about how you could develop it further into a commercially viable product..Could it be the top of a table?
Good, you have drawn a design in the style of and then thought about how you could apply this to a product. The end product reflects the true style of De-stijl. In the exam you will be asked how the product will be made and also material..How would you answer this part of the question?
It is very easy to just copy a design but I can see here that you have looked at the key features and then developed them into your own product.. The next step is to think about the material you would use? How would you get the patterns? What processes/techniques would you use? 
When creating your designs you have thought carefully about the key features of Art Deco, such as symmetry and geometric forms. If you were in the exam they could ask you to design a product in the 'style of'. Think how these designs could be incorporated into a product? What materials/manufacturing processes could be used?
Using CAD allows designs to be edited/developed very quickly, you could have shown a variation of colours very easily. It does reflect the Memphis movement due to its brightness and boldness. Now think about how you would make this in school or in industry?
A very good evaluation of your design which shows you have understood the design movements and their key features..Design is clearly inspired by De Stijl but how will the design be used? How would be incorporated into your own projects?
A good first design which shows creativity and good use of colour..You have not explained your design, is this in the style of Memphis? Explain where your design could be used, for example is it wall art? Or maybe a vinyl sticker on an MP3 player?


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